Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Best Saturday

Rodale Institute

I'm not going to lie -- It's been a very low period for me for a little while now. Seems the bad stuff overtook me for a bit there, and I succumbed to some big sadness.

Rodale Institute

That all lifted Saturday though (somewhat miraculously, really), when a friend stole me away for a trip to the Rodale Institute. That day in the sunshine was just what I needed, and I returned home feeling restored and hopeful again.

Rodale Institute

The gardens were teeming with such a powerful life force, I could feel their energy filling my heart -- healing me from within.

Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute

As I wandered the grounds, soaking in every delicious ray of sunlight, I could feel my steps lighten with every insect's buzz, every bird's trill.

Rodale Institute

And every leaf, petal, or needle of all the thriving plant lives surrounding me quieted my racing thoughts until I found I could think without fear and dread, and laugh again, and just be.

Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute

It's Wednesday now, and I'm still carrying that glow with me.

Rodale Institute